Include Beautiful Together in your Planned Giving and help to save the lives of countless homeless pets while also improving the lives of youth living in foster care and underserved communities.
You can make a simple provision to your Will to add Beautiful Together as a beneficiary, and your legacy will live on for generations. Tax receipts for your donation may offset capital gains or other taxes. Gifting through your Trust allows you to specify a dollar amount of a particular asset. You can choose to put your gift to work immediately or designate your endowmont fund.
A gift of securities to Beautiful Together is one of the most financially-sound ways to support our programs. When you donate stocks, mutual funds or other types of marketable securities to a charity, you will receive a tax receipt for the full amount of the gift.
Gifts of life insurance can make a substantial donation for the relatively low cost of the premium payments. You can donate a policy you already own, making Beautiful Together the beneficiary - or buy a new to donate.
When you make a charitable gift annuity, you can realize tax savings, secure your retirement by receiving reliable annual income and support Beautiful Together Animal Sanctuary. To set up a charitable gift annuity, you may donate cash, appreciated securities or funds from your IRA.
Please contact us to start a conversation about planned giving!
Contact us for more information at or call us at 919-502-0070.