
Hi! My Name Is Luna

I described a lot under the behavior. I also wanted to add, we were told she likes car rides. I was hoping this would help with her separation anxiety, but she absolutely hates the car, panting and often throwing up. So we couldn't just take her with us everywhere - in a busy family schedule. She seems like she doesn't know where she belongs. She seems confused by life and honestly seems depressed most the time. It breaks my heart. She was abandoned by hunters and we know she was used a lot for breeding. I have to have her outside a lot but she doesn't love it. She also doesn't really know what to do inside. We can't have her in the house when we have guests over either because it overwhelms her and she starts howling or just getting anxious and I worry she'll bite or react to guests and their kids. And we love our active home with people coming over a lot and in and out. We don't know her exact birthday but she's about 7 years old (we were told). I tried reaching back out to the rescue but I was harshly scolded and just said she needs more training and I didn't follow the proper lock down protocol. This was absolutely not true. I feel I have really done my best to get external help and be consistent with her and adaptable at the same time trying different things to help her.
  • Hound - Bluetick Coonhound
  • Female
  • 71 - 80 Pounds
  • Tri Color
  • Couch Potato
  • I Like Kids Over 10
  • I Like All Dogs
  • I Like Some Cats
  • I Like All Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Livestock
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