Allison, one of our amazing longer-term fosters would like to share her experience as a foster at Beautiful Together!
“I have always been an animal lover, so fostering seemed like a natural fit. Thankfully my boyfriend has always been 100% supportive of opening our home. We’ve done weekend hosting with many dogs, long term fostering with kitties, and now our first long term dog foster, Sunkist. She has been with us since November, and we absolutely love her sweet, goofy puppy personality and her top notch snuggles.
I think long term fostering scares a lot of people. They are worried about getting too attached or loving their foster too much. I say these are exactly the people that should be fostering. Who better to show these animals that humans can be good and loving and caring? And if you just so happen to keep one (or 3 in our case) that’s just more joy in your home. Every dog or cat we take in and find a home for is one less in our overcrowded shelters.
Fostering has given us so much – I can’t imagine my life without my dog (and best foster brother), Levi, and my two kitties, Cheddar and Blue Cheese, all three of which were originally fosters. Not to mention the countless other fur babes that have brought us laughs and lessons over the past 4 years. Until I can buy a huge plot of land and start my own rescue, fostering will be my favorite way to support the animals of NC that need us so much.” – Allison
If you are considering fostering, you can apply today on our website. We will provide you with all the food and supplies you may need, you just need to provide a loving and safe home!