My Experience As a Foster Hello, fellow animal lovers! My name is Liza Vinson, and today I’m excited to share my experience as a foster for Beautiful Together Sanctuary. I am currently a senior at UNC Chapel Hill, and I absolutely adore animals. However, I am not able to adopt my own while I am […]
Read More →Our tiny home rescue clinic has arrived at our sanctuary! Since we began rescuing animals in need of refuge, we have pulled over 1,700 dogs, cats, puppies and kittens from overcrowded North Carolina animal shelters and inhumane situations! That means a whole lot of need for medical care, which has actually been our largest expense since […]
Read More →The Importance of Rescue Pet Fosters Our ability to pull animals from shelters is largely determined by how many rescue pet fosters are available to care for them. Since North Carolina has the third highest euthanasia rate in the country, we work to save as many as we can from overcrowded and underfunded shelters. We need rescue […]
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